Research & trials

We have undertaken many different investigations to understand the implications of changing transport systems and facilities or from introducing new technologies or infrastructure. We share the findings of these studies in various publications and presentations, and many of them result in changes to industry practices, guidelines, and legislation.

  • Micro-mobility

    The variety of different small powered and unpowered wheeled devices on our networks continues to grow. ViaStrada produced the first comprehensive research report on safety and legislation for e-bikes and other low-powered vehicles in 2017. It included a scan of worldwide knowledge and practice as well as design advice for mobility scooters. We have provided expert advice for court cases and ongoing research into speed, gender and device type on various facilities in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

  • Research

    Transport systems and technologies are constantly changing, which requires us to better understand the effects of these changes on society and the environment. Such investigations may require a combination of literature reviews, field surveys, modelling, and data analysis.

  • Traffic control device (TCD) trials

    Traffic control devices (TCDs, i.e. signs, markings, traffic signals, delineators) can be subject to change and evolution, often based on observed practices elsewhere in the world. This may require testing of the new TCD under various situations in NZ before their acceptance here.

    We are heavily involved in undertaking formal trials and other operational research regarding new and innovative TCDs and layouts in NZ, including observation surveys and perception studies.