Creating Safer Streets, Age Friendly Ōtautahi

On Thursday 10 November, the Transportation Group ran Creating Safer Streets, Age Friendly Ōtautahi at Tūranga. This interactive workshop was focussed on understanding the lived experience of people young and old, and specifically considered this lived experience when designing a central Christchurch street. 

Inclusive, all age designs were evaluated by how well they achieved the principles of safe system assessments, the pedestrian level of service tool, as well as key principles of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). 

Kenn Beer introduced principles of a safe system assessment through the lens of 8-80 design, Tracy Fleming introduced the Pedestrian level of service framework and assessment tool, and Megan Walker introduced the use of CPTED as an important design tool.

We had planners, urban designers, engineers, plan-gineers, and community advocates that joined in this important korero about making our city more inclusive for everyone – for those who are aging, those who are considering aging people's needs, for our rangitahi; the next generation and for those who identify as disabled. 

Sponsored by Christchurch City Council, the event was a team effort by Tracy, Daisy, and Lizzie from Abley, Megan from Boffa Miskell, Kenn from Safe Systems Solutions, Sahan and Mike from Stantec, Daeniel from Jacobs, and Nick from ViaStrada. Special thanks to the Abley team for the creation of a super engaging workshop and the running of it from Daisy.

This event followed the 2021 event Age Friendly Ōtautahi, a conference of diverse groups: decision makers, architects, urban designers, planners, engineers, people in public health, as well as community advocates / group advocates to discuss designing for an age friendly city.