CCC Streamline Resource Consent Programme - ViaStrada an Approved Consultant

The Christchurch City Council has been exploring ways of improving their processes for dealing with resource consent applications.  As a result, the Council trialled a 'Streamline Resource Consent Application Programme' through 2009, with the aim of providing applicants a better and faster service. ViaStrada was one of the few consultancies involved in this trial and a number of our clients enjoyed the benefits of this programme. 

The Council has now formally implemented the Streamline process and "approved consultants" such as ViaStrada are able to prepare and submit applications for resource consent on an applicant's behalf in a compressed format, which will result in greater certainty, a quicker turnaround and lower consultant and Council processing fees. 

As noted on the Council's website:

The programme will be particularly beneficial for applicants who are not familiar with the requirements for resource consent applications or for regular applicants such as housing companies, medium density housing developers, and garage companies.

ViaStrada works with a number of architectural firms, housing companies, residential, commercial and industrial developers who have already benefited from the Streamline process and freed up time otherwise spent on resource consent applications to focus on core business activities. 

With ViaStrada's in-house expertise in planning, traffic engineering and environmental health, we are uniquely placed to provide timely and accurate advice on the simple application types above through to those of greater complexity.

If you have any projects you wish to pursue through the Streamline Programme, or if you want to find out more about the process and how ViaStrada can assist, please don't hesitate to contact Jeremy, Andrew or Kathryn on 03 943 0830.  We would be happy to provide examples of our work and discuss how we can assist you.