Who should control Mobility as a Service?

Where presented/published

T-Tech 19 Conference, Christchurch

“Mobility as a Service” (MaaS) is a means of providing customers with easy access to a variety of transport services, such as public transport, ride-share, and rental vehicles/devices. Typically, a mobile application or internet website is used to provide customers with the offerings available for a particular journey request, and ideally the MaaS system would also integrate payment for such services.

Who should develop and manage “Mobility as a Service” (MaaS) services in New Zealand? Three approaches that have appeared to date are (1) private transport service operators themselves, (2) central/local government transport organisations, or (3) independent software developers. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, for example in regard to coverage of available services, data supply and management, and integration with payments.

At the 2019 T-Tech Conference in Christchurch, Glen presented a paper that outlines the options and issues afforded by each approach, using examples from around the world. It concludes by suggesting some likely ways forward for New Zealand. The paper and presentation are both available to download; an abridged version of the paper also featured in the June 2019 issue of EVTalk magazine.

UPDATE: Glen's paper was Highly Commended in the Best Paper category!

Glen Koorey
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner