Dunedin City Cordon Count - 2024


Dunedin City Council commissioned ViaStrada to run the third (2022), fourth (2023) and fifth (2024) annual iterations of the ‘cordon count’. This count provides a snapshot travel into and out of central Dunedin over time. The term "Cordon” refers to an imaginary boundary around the central city where surveyors were located at the most important entry/exit locations along this boundary. Surveyors were positioned at 30 sites around the central city to count the people and vehicles passing by over two mornings, during the peak from 7:30-9:30 am.

For the 2024 Dunedin Central City Cordon Count, ViaStrada submitted a 10-page infographic-laden summary along with the detailed report and s spreadsheet with all the data gathered. One of the key findings is that nearly as many people (46%) “arrive and stay” in the central city by “green modes” (public transport, walking, cycling & scooting) as arrive by car (51%) with the rest arriving by truck, taxi and motorcycle. Women made up the majority (56%) of pedestrians but the minority of cyclists (33%). The survey shows which of the 30 entry points into the central city are busiest for each mode of transport while tracking changes over the six years that the survey has been running to date.

Read more about the Dunedin Cordon Count here.

Collect and present a data set showing how people arrive at and travel through central Dunedin
Dunedin City Council
Report, data workbooks, graphic report
March 2024
Project Status
Completed on time
John Lieswyn
Director – Principal Transportation Planner