Stops and Goes of Traffic Signals - TMW

Where presented/published

2004 Traffic Management Workshop, Wellington


The purpose of presenting this remit was to make the profession aware of the upcoming Transfund publication Stops and Goes of Traffic Signals.

Remit Recommendations

  • Engage competent signal engineer for the peer review of new designs
    • Road safety audit process is not sufficient
    • Signal peer review is separate
  • Engage suitably experienced specialists for the auditing of SCATS set-ups
  • Suitably qualified engineers
    • ask SNUG committee members for a list
  • Commission audits of your existing traffic signals
  • Engage competent signal engineer for the peer review of new designs (repeated for its importance)

The presentation is available online on this website.

Axel Downard-Wilke
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner