Riding across crossings


Should cyclists be allowed to ride across zebra crossings? When you've got a tricky question like this, who do you ask for sound and reasoned advice? VicRoads, the state roading authority for Victoria, based in Melbourne, sought the answer from ViaStrada. We reviewed international literature and based on this, gave our professional opinion on the merits of cycling across zebra crossings, signalised mid-block crossings, and crosswalks at signalised intersection.

VicRoads were impressed with our concise report and are now using this advice in consultations with Austroads partners to help determine a consistent approach for Australia and New Zealand. A copy of our final report is available on this website.

The final report can be downloaded from our website.

Give policy advice
VicRoads, Melbourne
Victoria, Australia
Research report
Project Status
Under consultation
Axel Downard-Wilke
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner