Selwyn District plan review


The Selwyn District Council (SDC) proposes to revise the District Plan's transport provisions to ensure they reflect the strategic direction of Council. Recent updates and amendments to national and regional policy documents will also be reviewed. The Plan Change is also influenced by other factors:

  • increased awareness of the importance of integrated transport and land use planning,
  • recognition of the importance of good urban design, and
  • Selwyn District Council's role as a signatory to the Urban Design Protocol.

ViaStrada has been commissioned to review the Plan and prepare the resulting Plan Change.

Selwyn District Council's urban design direction is evident in the recently developed SDC Subdivision Design Guide for Residential Subdivision in the Living 1 Zones, which aims to reflect Council's desire to create "good subdivisions". This review of the District Plan transport provisions considers the supporting transport components of urban design and growth; in particular the consideration of better network connectivity, "permeability" (the ability for people walking and cycling to travel through a community more easily than cars, thereby increasing the attractiveness of walking and cycling relative to driving) and accessibility. Providing for alternative transport and planning for the future were also key drivers of the review. A review of parking rates was undertaken and new rates derived for retail town centres in the District to recognise the use of on street parking and shared parking.

The outcome of the review is an extensive Plan Change, which was put out for public consultation and will be notified in November 2011.

ViaStrada has been commissioned to undertake the review. The project team consists of Jeanette, Lisa, Kathryn and Warren. This team has successfully identified and analysed the issues in Selwyn and sees the proposed plan change as a great step forward for the future of the district's transport network and urban fabric.

Review the District Plan transport provisions and align them with Council's strategic direction.
Selwyn District Council
Selwyn, Canterbury
Plan Change and Section 32 analysis
Project Status
Draft Plan change for review by client
Warren Lloyd
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer