Media Release

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Side Thrust Gauges

Sale of side thrust gauges

ViaStrada looked after the sale of side thrust gauges in recent years, on behalf of the IPENZ Transportation Group. The TG group had 50 units custom manufactured but, as of 2015, they decided to not commission another run. All of the 50 specially-manufactured units have now been sold. if you have any queries, please direct them to the chair of the Transportation Group.

The "One Stop (RMA) Shop"

ViaStrada now has the bases covered when it comes to the preparation, management and processing of land use consents, plan changes and advice under the Resource Management Act.

The recent addition of a specialist environmental health consultant combined with the already well established town planning and transport planning team makes ViaStrada the "one stop shop" for Resource Management. ViaStrada clients will enjoy the benefits of dealing with one company capable of delivering all the required reports and advice from the beginning to the end of their planning consent process.