Transportation engineering

We undertake a wide range of transport engineering services, including
  • Road safety audits (all stages), including Safety Audit & Network Functionality (SANF) reviews
  • Scheme investigation studies for corridors, intersections and areas
  • Traffic signal designs and reviews
  • Speed management reviews/strategies
  • Pedestrian and cycle facility designs and reviews
  • Car parking and access design/reviews
  • Road safety and geometric design reviews
  • Level Crossing Safety Impact Assessments (LCSIAs)
  • Formal trials of new/innovative traffic control devices and design layouts
Notable recent projects include:

In order to optimise the function and safety of the route by mode and time of day, ViaStrada (with Aurecon as a sub-consultant) conducted site audits at eight intersections; researched the planning and engineering context; identified capacity constraints; analysed crash data and safety issues, considered modal requirements; identified engineering and operational improvements with costings.

ViaStrada has been commissioned by the Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) to undertake a NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) compliant scheme stage safety audit of the Manawatu River pedestrian & cycle bridge (since named He Ara Kotahi).

ViaStrada has been engaged by Auckland Transport to provide concept designs to address outstanding issues from the Puhinui Road Post Construction Safety Audit.

To give effect to one of the six City Vision principles – “Pedal Power” – ViaStrada was commissioned to develop recommendations on how to better provide for cycling access to and within the central city. 

ViaStrada staff have safety audited the proposed traffic signals at the intersection of Main North Road with Belfast Road at various project stages. The junction is proposed to change from a T-intersection to a cross intersection to give access to a residential development.

ViaStrada was commissioned by Auckland Transport to conduct a post construction safety audit of the Federal Street contra-flow cycle lanes. The Federal Street project runs between Victoria Street West and Wyndham Street and between Swanson Street and Fanshawe Street. St Patrick's Square (to the east side of St Patrick’s Cathedral) between Swanson Street and Wyndham Street was also assessed, based on site visit observations.

In August 2018, ViaStrada prepared a scheme report assessing capacity and safety issues (including sight lines to oncoming traffic) for the signalised Guppy / Meeanee intersection. Subsequently a detailed design of the preferred option was developed.

ViaStrada was commissioned by Auckland Transport to conduct a safety audit of the 85% detailed design plans for the Avondale to New Lynn shared path.

ViaStrada was engaged by Christchurch International Airport Limited (CIAL) to undertake a detail design stage road safety audit of the Ron Guthrey Road extension including a roundabout and the right of way off George Bellew Road.

NZTA commissioned ViaStrada to review the corridors in the Safety Boost programme and identify areas where installing (or not) audio-tactile profiled (ATP) line-markings would increase the safety risk for cyclists on these routes.