Traffic signals

Designing or reviewing traffic signals is a specialist discipline. As well as considering the practical and legal implications of different signal phasing options, there is a need to ensure that the layout, design and operation meets the safety and efficiency needs of all types of users through the intersection.

Collectively, ViaStrada staff have designed, reviewed, audited, or optimised hundreds of signalised intersections. As consultants, we work on behalf of central government agencies, road controlling authorities, and developers.

We were involved in the country-wide audit of signalised intersections in the early 2000s (we audited in Dunedin and Tauranga) and then compiled the main findings in a booklet Stops and Goes of Traffic Signals (as of 2024, an update is being worked on).

We have produced the following publications:

We have also developed the guidance for cycle and pedestrian treatments at traffic signals that has been incorporated into the NZTA's Cycling Network Guidance and the Pedestrian Network Guidance. This guidance also forms part of our industry training courses for walking and cycling; Axel Downard-Wilke and Glen Koorey also regularly taught traffic signal design and operations to engineering students at Canterbury University. ViaStrada are the exclusive resellers and trainers for SIDRA Intersection software in New Zealand, used for assessing all types of intersections.

Projects for developers include:

Projects for local authorities include:

Research projects (and proposals) include:

Our staff member Megan Gregory went on a study tour to North America in 2016 to research ways of addressing the conflicting movements of bicyclists and motorists at signalised intersections involving protected bike lanes.

Our staff have won several awards concerning traffic signals:

For further information and advice regarding traffic signals, contact Axel Downard-Wilke. For detailed design of traffic signals and controller software, we collaborate with Bill Sissons of Advanced Traffic Solutions. More information can also be found in the PDF brochure adjacent.