Guppy / Meeanee intersection detailed design


Address safety and capacity issues at a signalised intersection


Napier City Council




Report, design plan, signal planning


Apr 2018 - Mar 2020

Project Status



Meeanee Road and the northern leg of Guppy Road are designated arterials, with the southern leg of Guppy being a secondary collector. The existing signalised intersection has been in place since at least 2009 while major land use and transportation developments such as the new dual roundabout SH50 expressway interchange have been implemented in the area. Both of the two west approach lanes are shared through and turn lanes, which can create capacity and safety issues (including sight lines to oncoming traffic). Only the east approach has a dedicated cycling facility, and it does not align well with the departure side of the intersection.

In August 2018, ViaStrada prepared a scheme report assessing the issues and options to address these objectives. Various options were considered, modelled using SIDRA, and the recommended Option 4 (addition of third lane on Meeanee west) was developed further into three variants A/B/C. The Client then requested that “Option A” (featuring a shared path on the western departure side) be further developed for detailed design. They also requested an assessment of providing right-turn arrow phases for all legs of this intersection.