Transportation engineering

We undertake a wide range of transport engineering services, including
  • Road safety audits (all stages), including Safety Audit & Network Functionality (SANF) reviews
  • Scheme investigation studies for corridors, intersections and areas
  • Traffic signal designs and reviews
  • Speed management reviews/strategies
  • Pedestrian and cycle facility designs and reviews
  • Car parking and access design/reviews
  • Road safety and geometric design reviews
  • Level Crossing Safety Impact Assessments (LCSIAs)
  • Formal trials of new/innovative traffic control devices and design layouts
Notable recent projects include:

The New Zealand Transport agency commissioned ViaStrada to undertake a series of six audits for different sites in Auckland.

ViaStrada designed the internal roads for Nazareth House, a retirement village and healthcare complex in Christchurch. The brief was to create a slow speed environment where drivers felt like guests, so that elderly residents walking along or crossing the roads felt safe. The 'at-grade' or level surfaces make it very convenient and accessible for the residents to walk in and out of their homes to their unique street environment.

ViaStrada has audited all five project stages of the Grafton Gully cycleway in Auckland.

ViaStrada was engaged to develop the first package of concepts and scheme designs for the South Dunedin Cycle Network, providing cycle facilities with community connections that will link to a wider network suitable for cyclists of all ages and abilities.

ViaStrada Ltd was engaged by the Otago Regional Council to identify the safety and access issues for walking and cycling along the Harbourside arterial route between the Frederick Street and Anzac Avenue intersection and the Ravensbourne Road roundabout.

ViaStrada was engaged by the NZTA to undertake the detail design and post-construction stage road safety audits of this major upgrade of Dunedin’s southern arterial route.

ViaStrada has been commissioned by VicRoads (the state roading authority of Victoria, Australia) to undertake research on physical bicycle lane separators. Undertaking the trials included site selection, design of the empirical study and evaluation of the results. The aim of the study is to establish whether the devices are safe for all road users and effective in reducing the occurrence of drivers utilising the cycle lane. The trials are currently under way.


ViaStrada was engaged by DOC to carry out a post construction safety audit of the shared walking and cycle tracks to Franz Josef and Fox glaciers.

ViaStrada was engaged by Nelson City Council to provide a concept design including cross sections, rough order costs and scheme alignment plans for a proposed cycle facility that is suitable for use by cyclists of all ability and confidence levels, with the proposed facility ideally separated from moving traffic.


ViaStrada was commissioned by Waimakariri District Council (WDC) to investigate and quantify the pedestrian activity at five locations on Williams Street in the Kaiapoi town centre between Hilton Street and Charles Street. ViaStrada engaged Lowdown Data to undertake pedestrian and motor vehicle turning counts using video collection units. This technology allows the client to gather survey information at low cost. This survey technique also obtained queue lengths at the Hilton Street and Charles Street roundabouts to inform design options.