Speed management

30kmh signSafer Speeds are a key plank of New Zealand's road safety strategy. Reduced speeds (through lower speed limits, traffic calming, and other speed management initiatives) have been demonstrated here and internationally to reduce both the likelihood and severity of traffic crashes.

ViaStrada has championed greater use of speed management within New Zealand for over a decade. Our efforts in this area include:

  • Advising road controlling authorities on the development of speed management strategies and speed limit setting procedures
  • Undertaking research into speed-related initiatives in New Zealand and overseas
  • Developing scheme designs for traffic calming and other speed management treatments
  • Delivering various papers and presentations on speed to various industry conferences
  • Representing the Transportation Group NZ on the Safer Speeds reference group for the 2020 NZ Road Safety Strategy
  • Providing technical comment to media when asked about speed related issues
  • Making representations to Christchurch City Council regarding local speed management proposals

Some relevant projects that ViaStrada has undertaken for clients include:

With our partners Urban Connection, ViaStrada have been part of the NZTA national speed management panel for implementation of the Safer Speeds programme on State Highways (2020-21).

Our staff have also authored several industry papers, presentations, and reports on this topic (many receiving awards), and media articles, including:

As well as technical advice regarding speed management strategies and treatments for road controlling authorities (including analysis of Waka Kotahi MegaMaps data), ViaStrada can also assist with engagement and communications for the general public, elected members, media and other stakeholders. For further information and advice regarding speed management, contact Glen Koorey; our consultants are available throughout New Zealand. More information can also be found in the PDF brochure below the images on the right or here.

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