Transportation engineering

We undertake a wide range of transport engineering services, including
  • Road safety audits (all stages), including Safety Audit & Network Functionality (SANF) reviews
  • Scheme investigation studies for corridors, intersections and areas
  • Traffic signal designs and reviews
  • Speed management reviews/strategies
  • Pedestrian and cycle facility designs and reviews
  • Car parking and access design/reviews
  • Road safety and geometric design reviews
  • Level Crossing Safety Impact Assessments (LCSIAs)
  • Formal trials of new/innovative traffic control devices and design layouts
Notable recent projects include:

ViaStrada's traffic engineers undertook a scheme design stage safety audit of a proposed upgrade of Elles Road, Invercargill. Elles Road is a busy arterial in a commercial area of Invercargill and features many commercial entrances, traffic signals and a pedestrian crossing. The audit was carried out in accordance with Austroads and NZTA guidelines.

Preliminary design stage safety audit of a proposed roundabout at the intersection of a local road and a collector road. The roundabout is to replace the existing priority controlled crossroads.

ViaStrada recognise the need for careful horizontal and vertical geometric design to make roundabouts safer for all road users and bring this expertise to safety auditing of roundabouts.

The audit was carried out in accordance with Austroads and NZTA guidelines.

ViaStrada undertakes a detail design stage safety audit of a new traffic signals for the “Noble Village” subdivision access to the southern side of Yaldhurst Road (State Highway 73).

ViaStrada has specialised traffic signals auditing skills that were utilised with this project. 

The audit was delivered promptly and was carried out in accordance with Austroads and NZTA guidelines, receiving designer acceptance and NZTA approval.

Auckland Transport commissioned ViaStrada to provide cycle network advice supporting the scheme assessment stage of road development in the Long Bay area of North Shore.

signalised scheme design

ViaStrada was engaged by Auckland Transport to undertake a scheme design stage road safety audit of a proposed new signalised intersection on a strategic arterial route in the Auckland suburb of Massey.

ViaStrada was commissioned by Christchurch International Airport Ltd to conduct a review of a proposed roundabout at the airport.

The objective of the review was to determine if the land required for the proposed roundabout was appropriate and whether the proposed design was safe and had capacity for the future.

ViaStrada was commissioned by the Tautuku Trust to assess the current access road to the Cathedral Caves.  The caves are in an isolated location off the Southern Scenic Route SH92 in Otago.  The access road is a private road that leads to the car park at the start of the cave walk. The access road is steep, winding, and narrow. The caves can be visited at low tide, which puts pressure on the access road at these times. 

The ViaStrada assessment looked at access road issues and operational measures for the Trust to consider.

ViaStrada was commissioned to undertake a series of post construction safety audits for Waitaki District Council. Three audits were carried out: two looking at urban intersection treatments in Oamaru and one looking at five rural pavement rehabilitation projects in the Waitaki District.

The Hamilton City Council commissioned ViaStrada to undertake a review of physical barriers to cycling in the Hamilton central city, as well as identification of current and potential cycle routes.

The Christchurch City Council now has a record of all the markings and signs on the Peninsula. All traffic control devices requiring a Council resolution have now gone through the correct legislative process. The signs and markings are scheduled in the RAMM database with the respective resolution. The signs were photographed and the condition noted for the maintenance team.