Transportation engineering

We undertake a wide range of transport engineering services, including
  • Road safety audits (all stages), including Safety Audit & Network Functionality (SANF) reviews
  • Scheme investigation studies for corridors, intersections and areas
  • Traffic signal designs and reviews
  • Speed management reviews/strategies
  • Pedestrian and cycle facility designs and reviews
  • Car parking and access design/reviews
  • Road safety and geometric design reviews
  • Level Crossing Safety Impact Assessments (LCSIAs)
  • Formal trials of new/innovative traffic control devices and design layouts
Notable recent projects include:

platform treatment at roundaboutThrough the iWay network and MoveIt school travel planning programmes, the Hastings District Council (HDC) has identified two corridors presenting barriers for people walking and cycling. HDC commissioned ViaStrada to review the safety and usability of seven roundabouts along these two corridors. While borne out of concerns for non-motorised users, the review also considers the safety of motorists.

ViaStrada was engaged by Ngai Tahu Property Ltd to undertake a post construction road safety audit including day and night time site inspections, of a large residential subdivision in Christchurch.

High parking demand on Latham StreetThe Latham Street – Sale Street corridor in Napier is an arterial road connecting Riverbend Road and Marine Parade over a distance of about 2.0 km. Currently, there are no cycle facilities along the length of Latham St / Sale St. However, the corridor provides a clear connection between the city centre and suburbs of Marewa, Maraenui and Onekawa. ViaStrada developed a concept scheme design to introduce cycle lanes along this corridor.

ViaStrada was commissioned by the NZTA to identify up to five intersections with the highest recorded crashes, investigate causal factors and propose concepts to address the cycle crashes. In addition, an assessment of cycling issues along four corridors was asked for.

ViaStrada was commissioned to conduct safety audits of the uni-directional separated cycleway pair on the one-way system in central Dunedin, on State Highway 1 between Pine Hill and Rattray Street. 

Speed and volume graphicFor five schools in the central city, ViaStrada developed an area-wide plan for road safety improvements including options for the optimisation of on-street parking. The work include a full review of parking capacity, occupancy, speed and volume data.

Marlborough Roads engaged ViaStrada to develop an improved roundabout design for the Alabama Road and Weld Street intersection. This site has residential houses on three quadrants and a large supermarket on the fourth quadrant. The roundabout improvement project builds on the previous cycle safety assessment ViaStrada undertook in early 2018 of five roundabouts and four routes in Blenheim. Of the five roundabouts studied, the Alabama Road and Weld Street roundabout had the second highest number of cyclist-involved crashes (9 crashes recorded in the CAS database).

design planPNCC engaged ViaStrada to undertake scheme and detail design stage road safety audits of a number of roundabout upgrades at city intersections.

A significant increase in passenger numbers at Queenstown Airport put pressure on many parts of the existing infrastructure. ViaStrada developed multiple concept through to design plans including significant changes to the roading network and car and coach parking areas. All proposed works were incorporated in a staged Master Plan.

ViaStrada was engaged by the NZ Transport Agency to assess the impact of a proposed new subdivision on the existing local road network.