Transportation engineering

We undertake a wide range of transport engineering services, including
  • Road safety audits (all stages), including Safety Audit & Network Functionality (SANF) reviews
  • Scheme investigation studies for corridors, intersections and areas
  • Traffic signal designs and reviews
  • Speed management reviews/strategies
  • Pedestrian and cycle facility designs and reviews
  • Car parking and access design/reviews
  • Road safety and geometric design reviews
  • Level Crossing Safety Impact Assessments (LCSIAs)
  • Formal trials of new/innovative traffic control devices and design layouts
Notable recent projects include:

A significant increase in passenger numbers at Queenstown Airport put pressure on many parts of the existing infrastructure. ViaStrada developed multiple concept through to design plans including significant changes to the roading network and car and coach parking areas. All proposed works were incorporated in a staged Master Plan.

ViaStrada was commissioned by New Plymouth District Council to undertake cycling facilities scheme development and improvements for pedestrians and public transport along four key corridors, followed by detailed design of some of those corridors. We engaged many sub-consultants to resource this project, managing to meet a punishing timeline. Waka Kotahi stakeholders called it the standout project amongst the Transport Choices programme.

Traffic engineering and signalised intersection with Smith Street adjacent to SH1 for a large format retail centre.

Marian College new campus in Northcote in repurposed Foodstuffs WarehouseTSA on behalf of the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch contracted ViaStrada to produce a concept and detailed design for pedestrian improvements across Northcote Road and the street leading into the newly relocated Marian College campus.

Let's Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) engaged ViaStrada to undertake several safe system audits of proposed corridor and intersection upgrades around Wellington City, with a particular focus on safer multi-modal journeys. A series of separate road corridor improvements and site-specific targeted improvements were designed by two engineering consortia. ViaStrada was then engaged to review these draft designs and to provide safety audit feedback and recommendations.

ViaStrada was commissioned by WDC to scope, recommend, prioritise and design secure bike parking at various sites in Whangārei.

ViaStrada was commissioned by Whangārei District Council to undertake a road safety and network functionality audit post construction of the Putahi Park development.

The Dunedin Tunnels Trail Trust (DTTT) project is to provide a 15 km safe and user-friendly cycle and walking trail between Dunedin and Mosgiel. It includes two redundant rail tunnels at Chain Hills and Caversham built in the 1870s.

Dunedin City Council engaged ViaStrada to develop concept plans for the layout of a learn to ride space that can be used to introduce new riders to a road environment, allowing riders to improve their personal safety and road awareness.

Whakatāne District Council asked ViaStrada to provide a wayfinding signage plan for Whakatāne District's walking and cycling network. Its focus: how can we help people (and visitors) navigate their community?