Transportation engineering

We undertake a wide range of transport engineering services, including
  • Road safety audits (all stages), including Safety Audit & Network Functionality (SANF) reviews
  • Scheme investigation studies for corridors, intersections and areas
  • Traffic signal designs and reviews
  • Speed management reviews/strategies
  • Pedestrian and cycle facility designs and reviews
  • Car parking and access design/reviews
  • Road safety and geometric design reviews
  • Level Crossing Safety Impact Assessments (LCSIAs)
  • Formal trials of new/innovative traffic control devices and design layouts
Notable recent projects include:

ViaStrada has assisted MWH Hamilton with reviewing a proposed signalised T intersection in Hamilton. The client wanted us to identify potential cost savings. We developed variations on a broad concept which enhanced safety for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists and could save the client $100,000 to $150,000.

Halswell Road is part of SH 75 through Christchurch, with Transit NZ intending to signalise the intersection. Christchurch City Council tasked ViaStrada with peer reviewing the design by Transit’s consultant.

ViaStrada was engaged by Christchurch City Council to improve the traffic management on Riccarton Road. Together with baseplus as a sub-consultant, ViaStrada has developed a concept that will greatly improve the intersection performance.

Local residents were concerned at the level of road safety along Swanns Road and at intersecting side roads. The project involved an examination of the safety concerns and an overall analysis of traffic volumes, speeds and crashes.

 Christchurch City Council commissioned ViaStrada to undertake a queue and delay study on the Lowther Street approach to Main South Road (SH73A), where the main road is subject to queuing back from the Sockburn Roundabout.

Andrew Macbeth (then working for MWH New Zealand Ltd) was hired to develop a concept for Creyke Rd, one of the boundary streets for the University of Canterbury.