ViaStrada offers several industry training courses, some of them organised on behalf of Waka Kotahi NZTA.
Courses are developed and offered based on industry demand. As well as traditional face-to-face courses, we are also now developing interactive case-based workshops and online webinars as alternative delivery mechanisms. For technical enquiries about training offered, or to express interest in us offering some training, please contact Glen Koorey.
We also offer in-house training courses for government agencies and consultancies – please contact Glen Koorey for further details.
Urban Street Design
- In conjunction with Abley, MRCagney and Waka Kotahi, ViaStrada delivered a a new series of two-day workshops on best-practice urban street design.
Planning and Design for Cycling
- ViaStrada offers both Fundamentals and advanced training in cycle planning and design. In 2023 we delivered a series of new courses around NZ. A special course in delivering successful urban cycleway programmes was also developed with NZTA in 2015.
Planning and Design for Walking
- ViaStrada offers Fundamentals training in walking planning and design. New NZ industry guidance is being delivered by Waka Kotahi; new training dates to be advised.
SIDRA Intersection
- ViaStrada is currently reviewing its training offerings in SIDRA; other options are available. We are still able to provide specialist advice on intersection design and review of SIDRA modelling; contact Axel Downard-Wilke.