Movember 2023 - that's a wrap!

Our “ViaStrada Handlebars” are feeling super motivated to take on the challenge once again to MOVE or GROW a mo for men’s health awareness this Movember.

Starting on 1 November, many of our staff members will be either growing a mo or setting their own physical challenges. On Team MOVE is Debbie, Luca, Megan, Pim, Nick, Tanya and David and on our MO GROW team we have John, Axel, Glen and Andy.  Woo hoo, let the fun begin.

Find out more about men's health and check out our team page here and follow our progress throughout the month.

Last year we raised over $1,400, with your generous support and donations we hope to beat this amount!


Team Move this year is Debbie, Luca, Megan, Nick, Tanya and DavidJohn, Axel, Glen and Andy on team grow a mo for Movember

Week 1 update

Our numbers:

- 4 men growing MO’s - one week MO-gress pics below

- 7 on team MOVE

- 731 km walked or cycled so far

- 2,920 km is our combined movement goal

- $170 raised so far

John, Axel, Glen and Andy showing off one week of MO growth

Week 2 update

Epic progress from both our MO growers (below) with some fabulous hairy MO growth and our MOVERS with a grand combined total of 1,336 km's walked or cycled so far! 

John, Axel, Glen and Andy 2 weeks MO growth

MO-tivate us and show your support for all men by donating here.

Week 3 update

MO's are growing well and our MOVERS are smashing their active goals collectively clocking up an impressive 1,758 kms!

week 3 growth by John, Axel, Glen and Andy

Week 4 update

By Wednesday 29 November, our team of 7 MOVERS is up to an incredible 2,746.3 kms. With just one and a half days to go and many so close to their original goals it will be interesting to see if we get to our collective goal to move 2,920 km for Movember.  

Montage of John, Axel, Glen and Andy with 4 weeks of mo growth

End of month update

Although not quite reaching the lofty heights of last year (over $1400, raised), we are nonetheless happy with the end total of $1,229 raised which will go a long way to support men’s mental and physical health initiatives.

In total, the 8 staff members on Team MOVE managed to walk, run, kayak, and ride an impressive 2,865 km over the month, coming close to our combined goal of 2,920 km. A special shout-out goes to David McCormick for his herculean effort, racking up an impressive 1,210 km of walking, cycling, and kayaking, which included racing in the Five Passes Tour: dubbed the premier cycle tour of NZ’s South Island.