Legislation, regulations, evidence

Transport legislation in New Zealand is a complex system of Acts, Rules and Regulations, with ongoing changes being made to these regularly to take account of new transport devices and technologies.

ViaStrada can provide expert advice on the legislative implications of proposed transport activities. We can also investigate the effects of potential changes to legislation, and draft new legislation content where necessary.

We can also provide technical evidence for hearings involving legal challenges of transport projects or other transport safety related incidents.


Whakatāne Crossings

People want to cross the road safely and conveniently - is a splash of red paint the solution?
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E-scooter court evidence

ViaStrada was commissioned by legal representatives of three e-scooter sharing companies to prepare an affidavit for the court on the safety and …
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Roadway Art Guidance (Tactical Urbanism Guide)

Roadway art is a subset of street art that is marked within the roadway, i.e. where vehicles travel. In a nutshell roadway art is any marking on the …
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Regulations and safety for electric bicycles and other low-powered vehicles

E-bikes and e-scooters (collectively, “micromobility”) are transforming our world. They are outselling electric cars – but our street design and …
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Investigating road user rules for people walking and cycling

The NZ Transport Agency engaged ViaStrada to investigate options for amendments to several road user rules affecting walking and cycling, particularly …
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Selwyn District plan review

The Selwyn District Council (SDC) proposes to revise the District Plan's transport provisions to ensure they reflect the strategic direction of …
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Transport planning advice for City Plan/Master Plan alignment

ViaStrada has provided transport planning advice to the Christchurch City Council with respect to the transport-related provisions in the Christchurch …
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Review of transport provisions in Christchurch District Plans

ViaStrada has provided technical assistance to the Christchurch City Council with respect to its review of transport-related provisions in the …
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Riding across crossings

Should cyclists be allowed to ride across zebra crossings? When you've got a tricky question like this, who do you ask for sound and reasoned advice? …
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National Road Hierarchy

A discussion paper on a proposed national road classification system (NRCS) or road hierarchy was prepared in mid July 2003 by Andrew Macbeth (at …
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Central City loading zone review, Christchurch

Within the 4 Avenues (Central City) of Christchurch there are a considerable number of loading zones and short term parking restrictions. The City …
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