Giving back

  • planting day
    Quail Island tree planting, Aug 2018

ViaStrada strives to meet its Vision, Purpose and Values by contributing to the transport profession and the community at large in a number of ways. Staff are encouraged to be involved in activities meeting these objectives and are allowed to use in-work time where necessary to work on them (e.g. meetings).

ViaStrada staff are members of a variety of organisations, and in many cases are actively involved. We feel it is important that we put something back into the community at large, particularly in areas where we have specialist knowledge.

Engineering NZ (formerly IPENZ)

Engineering NZ is the national organisation for Professional Engineers in New Zealand. Axel, Glen, John, Megan, David and Nick are all Members of EngNZ (Glen is a Chartered Member). This imposes obligations to continuously maintain our technical currency and to abide by the EngNZ Code of Ethical Conduct.

Transportation Group

The Transportation Group of NZ is the major professional group for traffic engineers and transportation planners, with over 1100 members nationwide. Most ViaStrada staff are members, and have presented many papers and remits over many years to the annual Transportation Conference, winning awards for some of these; we also assist with paper reviews and have also been part of some of the Conference organising committees.

Axel Wilke has previously been a member of the local branch committee and the national committee (2003-06). Glen Koorey was previously webmaster for the group and has also been Conference Technical Paper Convenor for many recent conferences; currently he is on the National Committee as the Active Modes rep. Glen (2016-18) and Nick (2022-present) have also served on the local branch committee. From 2023, John is now national Chair of the Group, having previously been Vice-Chair.


Trafinz is the NZ Local Authority Traffic Institute, which represents local authority views on road safety and traffic management in New Zealand. ViaStrada is a corporate member of Trafinz and staff have made a number of presentations at Trafinz conferences over the years.

Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS)

ACRS is Australasia’s peak membership association for road safety professionals. Members include experts from all areas of road safety including policy makers, health and transport professionals, academics, community organisations, researchers, national/state/local government agencies, and private companies. Glen Koorey is a member of ACRS and helped to organise the College's 2022 Road Safety Conference in Christchurch.

Urban Design Protocol

The Urban Design Protocol is a voluntary commitment to specific urban design initiatives by signatory organisations which include central and local government, the property sector, design professionals, professional institutes and other groups. The protocol aims to make New Zealand's towns and cities more successful by using quality urban design.

ViaStrada became a signatory of the Urban Design Protocol on 21 June 2010, a month after becoming incorporated as a company. 

Cycling Action Network (CAN)

CAN (formerly the Cycling Advocates' Network) is New Zealand's national network of cycling advocates, working with government and local authorities on behalf of cyclists for a better cycling environment.

Axel and Glen were members of the executive from 2000 to 2009, and co-chairs in 2008/09. They are also have been involved with Spokes Canterbury, the local cycling advocacy group in Christchurch. One of their main roles is to educate cycling advocates about the technical challenges and opportunities that staff in many local and central government organisations face in improving conditions for cyclists, while helping roading authorities and others improve the lot of cyclists. ViaStrada is a corporate member of CAN.

Living Streets Aotearoa (LSA)

Living Streets Aotearoa has evolved from Walk Wellington, a voluntary group set up in 1998 by a group of Wellingtonians with an interest in the rights of pedestrians and the benefits of walking. Living Streets Aotearoa is a nation-wide organisation with branches or affiliates throughout New Zealand.

ViaStrada is a member of LSA. Walking is the first mode of transport - all others are alternatives!

Other ways we give back

As well as the contributions mentioned above, other ways that ViaStrada staff are "giving back" include: