Safety audits & reviews

All planned, new, or upgraded transport facilities should be assessed for the potential safety impacts that the changes may have on various road users, particularly where there is the chance of death or serious injury.

ViaStrada staff are formally trained in road safety & accessibility audits, safe system assessments, and Level Crossing Safety Impact Assessments (LCSIAs). We can also review the safety effects of other changes to transport networks.

Relevant Projects

  • Wellington - City Streets audits

    ViaStrada in collaboration with Waka Kotahi and the Active Modes Infrastructure Group (AMIG) are involved in the development of industry guidance for road environments that safely and effectively accommodate people who choose active modes for transport. This means that ViaStrada staff are at the forefront of creating safer outcomes for all road users.

    Key Contact: Warren Lloyd
  • Pūtahi Park SANF audit

    Whangārei’s new central landmark Pūtahi Park, opened in March 2022. Pūtahi means “a place where everyone can gather and enjoy themselves” and this park was given that name because of all the activities such as water feature, mini trampolines, slackline tight rope and plenty of seating at this park.

    Pūtahi Park is situated within the town within the city centre of Whangārei, it is a connection point for all the Whangārei urban cycle network. 

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • He Ara Kotahi road safety audit

    ViaStrada was commissioned by the Palmerston North City Council (PNCC) to undertake a NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) compliant scheme stage safety audit of the proposed Manawatu River pedestrian & cycle bridge. Palmerston North’s existing road network is formed in a traditional ‘grid’ layout. The proposed bridge will connect the City’s main urban area (50 km/h) to development on the southern side of the Manawatu River, which includes the Dairy Farm Road research institutes, Massey University and the Linton military camp.

    Key Contact: Jon Ashford
  • Belfast / Main North traffic signal audit

    ViaStrada staff have safety audited the proposed traffic signals at the intersection of Main North Road with Belfast Road. The audits were carried out during the concept stage (2012), scheme design (2018) and detailed design (2019). The junction is proposed to change from a T-intersection to a cross intersection to give access to a residential development.

    Key Contact: Axel Downard-Wilke
  • Federal Street road safety audits

    ViaStrada was commissioned by Auckland Transport to conduct a post construction safety audit of the Federal Street contra-flow cycle lanes. The Federal Street project runs between Victoria Street West and Wyndham Street and between Swanson Street and Fanshawe Street. St Patrick's Square (to the east side of St Patrick’s Cathedral) between Swanson Street and Wyndham Street was also assessed, based on site visit observations.

    Key Contact: Glen Koorey
  • Auckland pathway safety audits

    ViaStrada was commissioned by Auckland Transport to conduct a safety audit of the 85% detailed design plans for the New Lynn to Avondale shared path. The path largely follows the railway corridor from Blockhouse Bay Road in Avondale to Memorial Drive in New Lynn. It includes sections through Chalmers Reserve, through a Housing NZ development, and along St Georges Road.

    Key Contact: Glen Koorey
  • Ron Guthrey Road safety audit

    ViaStrada was engaged by Christchurch International Airport Limited (CIAL) to undertake a detail design stage road safety audit of the Ron Guthrey Road extension including a roundabout and the right of way off George Bellew Road.


    Key Contact: Warren Lloyd
  • Audio Tactile Profiled (ATP) Markings on rural shoulders

    NZTA commissioned ViaStrada to review the corridors in the Safety Boost programme and identify areas where installing (or not) audio-tactile profiled (ATP) line-markings would increase the safety risk for cyclists on these routes. The Safety Boost programme is a $22.5 million programme of work to add a range of low-cost safety improvements to make 30 lower-volume regional state highways safer.

    Key Contact: Glen Koorey
  • Hastings roundabout safety study

    St.Aubyn Street and Southampton Street are major iWay walking and cycling corridors as well as key motoring routes across the city of Hastings. Through the iWay network and MoveIt school travel planning programmes, the Hastings District Council (HDC) has identified that these two corridors present barriers for many people who are currently cycling or would like to walk and cycle more often. HDC commissioned ViaStrada to review the safety and usability of seven roundabouts along these two corridors.

    Key Contact: Warren Lloyd
  • Wigram Skies development traffic engineering

    ViaStrada prepared a NZTA-compliant post construction road safety audit, including day and night time site visits, of the Wigram Skies subdivision road network including multiple intersections with varying types of intersection control. This was required by Christchurch City Council as part of the approval of roads for public use.

    Key Contact: Warren Lloyd