Infrastructure for e-Mobility – Get Involved!

17th July 2020

Click for the questionnaire

ViaStrada is researching the needs of e-Mobility (e-Bike, e-Scooter, etc) riders to improve accessibility and safety. For this we are seeking e-Mobility riders who like to share their experience with us. What do you need as a rider of an e-Bike, e-Scooter, or other electrically driven device?

The study is part of a larger investigation into the relationship between speed and infrastructure design. We will measure riding speeds at several sites in New Zealand’s main cities: Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. The surveys will add to already collected data in 2018 and 2017.

The findings will be used to improve design guidance published by Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency) on the Cycling Network Guidance (CNG) website.

ViaStrada already has done extensive work on this topic, to keep our roads, paths and lanes suitable for modern society. This research is published as NZ Transport Agency Research Report 621.