NZ Cycling Conference - Napier


The 6th New Zealand Cycling Conference will be an opportunity to celebrate our progress in making NZ a great place to cycle, and will help to map out future paths for cycling.

The conference programme offers a useful mix of practical and technical sessions, updates on progress at a central government level, examples of projects at the local government level (including promotion of cycling and how to work through some of the barriers to getting things done), and glimpses of what is happening overseas.

The keynote speaker will be Bob Chauncey from the National Center for Bicycling & Walking (NCBW). The NCBW are helping to turn America's transport and urban planning from a car-focussed society to a more active, people-friendly one.

If you're interested in attending the conference, please visit the CAN website.

The 2007 SPARC Cycle-Friendly Awards will also be presented during the conference. These annual awards recognise good work done by private and public organisations to promote and encourage people to cycle.