Better cycleways through rules changes

The following legislative changes relating to cycling have gone through. The give way rules change is a big one, as it enables us to design and build better protected cycle lanes and shared paths.

Road User Rule amendment 2016, principally:

  • Passing on right clause 2.7 permitting motorists to use the flush median for passing cyclists.  This may also apply to motorists using the flush median to pass cyclists who may be forced out of their lane by an obstruction such as parked vehicles overhanging into the cycle lane
  • Give way rules clause 4.1 and 4.2 amended so that we can now install TCDs requiring turning motorists to give way to through cyclists on an adjacent path
  • Parking in special vehicle lane clause 6.6 now facilitates bus stops in the cycle lane

TCD Rule amendment 2016 enabling sharrows

Plus, further guidance on sharrows is available.

Rule change explanations are in the draft Omnibus rule.

Plus, stay tuned for further rule amendments in the future...