2021 2WALKandCYCLE

19th March 2021

We are looking back on a few exhilarating days! The 2WALKandCYCLE Conference last week made sure that walking and cycling becomes everyone’s business. Lots of familiar faces and some new connections. Really interesting conversations, great insights, and a good collection of best practice examples. Once again, we concluded it is all about people and creating safe and supportive environments.

ViaStrada contributed to the programme in several ways. 

Glen brought the industry up to speed about the dos and don’ts of coloured surfaces (link to his presentation) and guided a walking tour around the successful interventions of the Dunedin Central Schools Cluster

Axel encouraged peers to keep up the ongoing work of building safe systems by illustrating how currently we are not supporting footpath users at residential driveways. He shared the story around an affidavit he submitted for a court case as an example.

John co-led the conference organising committee – a tough job during a pandemic when even holding an in-person conference was in doubt several times. He inspired the crowd in a 6-minute Pecha Kucha on the benefits of walking.

And what would a conference be without a dress up for the dinner? (theme: "a day in the country"...)