Shands Road Sawmill Integrated Transport Assessment


To support a resource consent application


Mainland Income Fund 4 Limited


Rolleston, Canterbury


ITA Report


Dec 2024 - Jan 2025

Project Status



ViaStrada completed a comprehensive Integrated Transport Assessment (ITA) to support the development of a new biofuel pellet plant.

To smooth the application process, ViaStrada worked with the client, architect, project manager and resource consent planner to identify low-cost changes to the proposal before lodgement. 

A key client objective was to demonstrate that the new plant would not generate as much truck traffic as might be expected from the size of the new building. ViaStrada arranged for a video traffic survey to provide robust data on current trip generation, and estimated that the proposed trip generation is no more than 10 additional passenger car equivalent vehicles per peak hour. 
ViaStrada developed a case to exempt the client from full ITA requirements based upon impending major network changes – the Rolleston Access Improvements – planned by NZTA Waka Kotahi that would render any impacts of the development less than minor and any modelling moot.

ViaStrada delivered high value for money to the client by providing a complete ITA report incorporating extra scope items within a fixed fee and a quick three-week turnaround (including the data collection).