Hastings District school travel plans


ViaStrada's John Lieswyn led the development of travel plans for nine primary and high schools within the Hastings District, and assisted the Hastings District Council with their own workplace travel plan. The project formed part of HDC's iWay programme, which aims to tackle declining rates of walking and cycling with carefully planned, sustained investment in walking and cycling.

The tasks included site auditing, meetings with principals, student leaders and school boards, plan development, mapping and data analysis, and final production of plans and summaries.

John worked with council staff on the engineering actions and Sport Hawkes Bay staff on the plan development and education/encouragement actions.

Lead the development of nine school travel plans for primary and high schools within the Hastings District, as well as the council's own travel pan.
Hastings District Council
Hastings District
Site auditing, meetings with principals, student leaders and school boards, plan development, mapping and data analysis, and final production of plans and summaries.
Oct 2016 - Jun 2017
Project Status
John Lieswyn
Director – Principal Transportation Planner