Dunedin Tertiary Area Shared Space Investigation


ViaStrada provided professional advice to council staff to help prepare them for discussion with elected members regarding the Albany Street cycleway through the tertiary precinct. 

The report addressed council’s key questions: 

Is Albany Street likely to remain the preferred route for a dedicated cycleway? 

If a slow traffic shared environment rather than a cycleway was delivered on Albany Street, what would be required to achieve a comfortable cycling environment for people of all ages and abilities – and what routes would likely see an increase in vehicle traffic as a result? 

Are there alternatives that would address safety concerns at the Clyde and Forth Street intersections? 

What are the pros/cons and risks of a staged or transitional approach to delivery? 

In addition, ViaStrada provided PowerPoint slides for council staff to use in the meeting with elected members. 


Provide professional advice to council regarding cycle route alignment and preferred facility type for the Albany Street cycleway through the tertiary precinct.
Dunedin City Council
Aug 2022 - Feb 2023
Project Status
John Lieswyn
Director – Principal Transportation Planner