The Far North District Council commissioned ViaStrada and Abley to develop a geo-spatial approach to determining the annual investment required to improve footpaths in the largest towns. For each town, we prioritised the gaps in the network and estimated the financial investment required to meet a benchmark level of service over various time horizons. We also mapped all streets by ideal pedestrian crossing type to inform future crossing analysis and improvements.
The built environment and taiao (natural environment) affect our collective well-being, community health and equity. There is a tremendous opportunity to improve public health outcomes for our tāngata (people) by providing choices for people to walk, wheel, and cycle for their everyday transport.
Whilst the Far North District is largely rural, there are about a dozen larger urban areas where people could use active transport for many daily needs. These towns are generally compact, so the distance between destinations is suitable for walking and biking.
This Urban Active Modes Plan analyses the current and recommended footpath network to help inform investment decisions across the rohe (district).