Everybody wins with cycleways – delivering cycleways in Christchurch

Where presented/published

2WALKandCYCLE Conference, 2016

The vision of the Christchurch Transport Strategic Plan (CTSP) and An Accessible City (Transport Chapter of the government’s Earthquake Recovery Plan) is about providing transport choice to connect people and places. The two plans make a strong statement about the importance of cycling in the city to make it easier for residents to cycle.

Both programmes seek to establish a high-quality cycle network for the city, providing safe and attractive links to popular destinations and key activity centres, reinforce the city’s cycle status and encourage more people to take up cycling. The target audience for the network is both adults and children (10 years and over), and generally people who are curious about cycling but are afraid to ride or ride very infrequently.

In producing scheme designs for cycleways on both networks, it is becoming more apparent that providing high quality cycleways in streets also delivers on providing transport choice for others, creating safe, healthy and liveable communities, supporting economic vitality and creating opportunities for environmental enhancement.

This presentation is a chance to share some of the works delivered in Christchurch in striving to become a cycle city and the added benefits of new cycle infrastructure.


Gemma Dioni
(former) Senior Transportation Engineer