'Design jam' encourages kids to share their ideas to improve safety on road to school

‘Design jam’ encourages kids to share their ideas to improve safety on road to school.

John Lieswyn of ViaStrada assisted by FNDC and Northland Transportation Alliance (NTA) recently led a fun and creative ‘design jam’ with local school children in Kerikeri.

John adapted the programme after attending and being inspired by a similar (Innovating Streets) event led by Clare Piper and run by Christchurch City Council. 

It was fantastic to see the groups of Year 6 students children engaged in sharing their ideas, by brainstorming solutions to make walking, cycling and using scooters safer along Hone Heke Road and other paths they use to get to school. The principal said the kids were “buzzing” after getting to contribute to the process.

You can read more in an article here.