
Transport systems and technologies are constantly changing, which requires us to better understand the effects of these changes on society and the environment. Such investigations may require a combination of literature reviews, field surveys, modelling, and data analysis.

We regularly carry out transport research, think-pieces, and policy guidance for national agencies, local councils, and other clients, and regularly publish and present our findings to industry (including many award-winning papers). 

Relevant Projects

  • Dunedin City Cordon Count - 2024

    Dunedin City Council commissioned ViaStrada to run the third (2022), fourth (2023) and fifth (2024) annual iterations of the ‘cordon count’. This count provides a snapshot travel into and out of central Dunedin over time. The term "Cordon” refers to an imaginary boundary around the central city where surveyors were located at the most important entry/exit locations along this boundary. Surveyors were positioned at 30 sites around the central city to count the people and vehicles passing by over two mornings, during the peak from 7:30-9:30 am.

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • New Plymouth Annual Cordon Count

    ViaStrada reviewed New Plymouth District Council’s current active transport cordon count methodology, plus their thoughts on potential modifications. We delivered a memo on our proposed methodology that:

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • Western Bay Sub-region Travel Demand Management (TDM) Scoping Study

    ViaStrada supported Vitruvius by preparing an online StoryMap of Travel Demand Management case studies, assessing travel demand by each mode, existing and proposed networks, and the opportunity for mode shift if supported by various scenarios of behaviour change investments. 

    Key recommended actions arising from this work include: 

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • Costs of road transport accidents

    ViaStrada delivered a working paper summarising the methodology and calculations to derive estimates of the Total (Social) Costs, Average Costs, Marginal Costs and Marginal Externality Costs of road transport-related "accidents" in New Zealand (for both motorised and non-motorised users). This was a component in a wider NZ study on domestic transport costs and charges

    Key Contact: Glen Koorey
  • Cycling Demand Model

    Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is developing forecasting methodologies for each of the quantitative measures in the new land transport benefits framework. As part of that exercise, a new model has been developed by ViaStrada and WSP to forecast cycling demand. This follows on from WSP's research on the Latent Demand for Walking and Cycling, published as Research Report 676.

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • Dunedin central city cordon count

    How do people arrive in our central cities? Is it changing as we start to invest in walking, cycling and public transport? ViaStrada ran the third annual ‘cordon count’, providing a snapshot of how people arrive at and travel through central Dunedin. 

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • Infrastructure for quick-build cycleways

    Waka Kotahi commissioned ViaStrada to undertake research on quick-build (interim) cycleway infrastructure. Some of New Zealand’s Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs) are responding to the imperatives of the Road to Zero strategy, the Climate Change Emergency Declaration, and emissions reduction planning by reallocating road space and supporting mode shift to cycling. The Innovating Streets programme of 2020/21 led to the rollout of several demonstration (1 day to 1 month), pilot (1 month to 1 year) and interim (5+ year) cycleways.

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • Ruapehu - Tongariro National Park Transport Gap Analysis

    The Department of Conservation (DOC) commissioned ViaStrada to review a range of planning documents and provide advice to inform Visitor Management Plan development.

    ViaStrada's John Lieswyn facilitated the stakeholder meetings and utilised a collaborative survey tool to engage with people in the room and those who called in remotely. 

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn
  • Cycle safety at Blenheim roundabouts

    ViaStrada was commissioned by the NZTA to identify up to five intersections with the highest recorded crashes, investigate causal factors and propose concepts to address the cycle crashes. In addition, an assessment of cycling issues along four corridors was asked for; the expectation was that there would be overlap between the project components. A report was submitted on the worst intersections that examined the crash details, identified likely crash scenarios. It included observations of the high-risk locations and treatment options were provided.

    Key Contact: Warren Lloyd
  • Regulations and safety for electric bicycles and other low-powered vehicles

    This research report presents a review of overseas legislation, technology trends, market and safety analyses for low-powered, low-speed vehicles. These vehicles include electric bicycles, mobility scooters, self-balancing devices and other personal mobility or wheeled recreational devices. Based on a literature review, consultation with key stakeholders in two forums and an online survey with over 1200 responses, the research assesses various regulatory and non-regulatory options for improving safety while supporting technological innovation and mode choice options in New Zealand.

    Key Contact: John Lieswyn