Cycling Safety Panel's work well received

In February 2014, the New Zealand Transport Agency announced the members of a Cycling Safety Panel. The Panel was created following the conclusion of a coronial review into the deaths of a number of cyclists on New Zealand Roads. It was comprised of ten experts in the fields of cycling, transport and human behaviour, who were tasked with developing recommendations for making the country’s roads safer for cycling. ViaStrada’s Axel Wilke was a member of the Panel.

The Panel’s vision was the creation of a road network which is safe for cycling, where there are no cycling fatalities and fewer serious injuries. Over the remainder of the 2014, the Panel held a number of meetings and discussions which resulted, in December 2014, in the delivery of a report and recommendations which will help work towards the vision.

This feedback from the Ministry of Transport shows that the work has been well received and that it forms a sounds basis from which to move forward.