Cyclists at wide intersections: single detector loop

Where presented / published:

2001 NZ Cycling Conference, Christchurch

This presentation gives an update on earlier research regarding Cyclists at Wide Intersections. A single detector loop is now used to overcome operational problems with the previous treatment.

The presentation is available online on this website.

Have a look at this video for an example of the issue. Watch for the signals; they change the moment the person cycling enters the intersection. Whilst the person doesn't do anything wrong or illegal, he gets into some serious trouble.

The final project report, which was published after the conference, is available on our website. The two pertinent findings are:

  • Based on the single-loop design, the default setting for the all-red time had to be increased from 2.2 sec to 3.3 sec.
  • If the detector loop is triggered by a cyclist who entered the intersection close to the beginning of the amber period, the extended all-red time needs to be 5.3 sec.

As can be seen, the original all-red time value of 2.2 sec was insufficient for people cycling to use the intersection safely.