Hastings roundabout safety study


Audit existing multi-modal safety and accessibility of seven roundabouts in Hastings City and prepare a toolkit of improvement treatments with rough order costs


Hastings District Council







Project Status



St.Aubyn Street and Southampton Street are major iWay walking and cycling corridors as well as key motoring routes across the city of Hastings. Through the iWay network and MoveIt school travel planning programmes, the Hastings District Council (HDC) has identified that these two corridors present barriers for many people who are currently cycling or would like to walk and cycle more often. HDC commissioned ViaStrada to review the safety and usability of seven roundabouts along these two corridors. While borne out of concerns for non-motorised users, the review also considers the safety of motorists.

The project team was John Lieswyn, Warren Lloyd and Jon Ashford. Site visits included morning and evening peak observations at every leg of all roundabouts.

Inputs included the NZ Transport Agency Cycling Network Guidance (ViaStrada and Abley, ongoing), Pedestrian Planning and Design Guide, Austroads AP-R461-14 Assessment of the effectiveness of on road bicycle lanes at roundabouts (ViaStrada, 2014) and NZ Transport Agency research report 386 Crash Prediction Models for Roundabouts (Beca, 2009).

Desktop work included safety analysis using the Crash Analysis System (CAS) with placement of each crash found on an aerial with traffic volume labels.

The seven main tools recommended are not mutually exclusive. Each tool was presented with a description, advantages and disadvantages, an illustration, and typical cost estimate.