Dunedin Monitoring Framework Stocktake - Stage 1
Project Status
The client has many different sources of transport information and called upon ViaStrada to help collate these, map them against the Land Transport Benefits Framework, and set up a prioritisation method for future decision-making.
This stocktake included close collaboration with council staff and mentorship/training on the use of Excel, monitoring technologies, prioritisation methods, and ideas for creating open and public data dashboards. ViaStrada's monitoring expert John Lieswyn spent two days working side-by-side in the council offices with the client and followed this up with several Teams calls to refine the stocktake workbook. A key innovation was the combination of many client and previous consultant workbooks into one without losing critical information, but also not duplicating information. The workbook featured detailed documentation to support client staff - even if there were to be a change in human resources. Reference documents were separately provided via a shared Teams channel.