Cycling Futures - Spaces for Cycling

Where presented / published:

University of Adelaide Press, published 2015

Several Australasian researchers, practitioners, policy makers and community members all contributed to a 2015 book, "Cycling Futures" that explored the insights generated locally and internationally on the past, present and future of cycling.

While previously at Canterbury University, Glen Koorey contributed a chapter to this book, focusing on "spaces for cycling". In this chapter, Glen looked at how physical infrastructure and road corridor spaces provided play a crucial role in ensuring that existing people cycling have adequate levels of service (thus preventing further declines in numbers) whilst also attracting more people to choose to cycle.

Glen presented examples of different types of on- and off-road cycle facilities, as well as discussing other options for improving cycling provision by reducing traffic volumes and speeds. He also cited various approaches that have helped to influence the take-up of cycling, including Roger Geller's "Four Types of Cyclist", the IHT "Hierarchy of Cycling Treatments", and more recent NZTA research on cyclists' infrastructure preferences.