Kennedy-Tennyson intersection improvements


Produce scheme, provide design advice and detailed design plans


Napier District Council




Report, concept and design advice to detailed design plans


July 2021–June 2023

Project Status



ViaStrada delivered a comprehensive solution for the intersections of Wellesley / Tennyson and Thackeray / Tennyson signal-controlled intersections, integrating new separated cycleways for enhanced safety and functionality. This project involved refining the concept plan through traffic modelling, safety audits, and collaboration with KiwiRail to address the rail crossing. Sidra modelling was used to model the delays created from the level crossing and determine the impact a new housing development would have on the operation.

Stage 2 of the project involved providing design input for detailed design plans, ensuring seamless operation of traffic signals and level crossing signals, to tie in with existing infrastructure to create a safer and more efficient space for all users.

We also engaged Bill Sissons of Advanced Traffic Solutions for specialised signal design for this project.