Cambridge Tce street renewal & riverbank enhancement


Implementation of one part of the Avon River (Central City) Strategy


Christchurch City Council


Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch (between Peterborough and Barbadoes)


Conceptual design, consultation report, detailed design


Project Status



This project was carried out by Axel Wilke whilst he was still employed by Christchurch City Council (CCC), and Wayne Rimmer (Landscape Architect). Axel and Wayne were commissioned to develop a strategic plan for the section of the Avon River between Kilmore and Barbadoes Streets as part of the CCC Avon River (Central City) Masterplan.

A detailed design for the Cambridge Tce section between Peterborough and Barbadoes was then commissioned. Through several workshops held in the lounge of one of the local residents and carefully listening what the neighbourhood had to say, we developed a detailed design that reflected the dreams and aspirations of those who live in the area. Bold measures of introduction of a one-way exit, removal of most of the road and the car parks, and the introduction of a new riverside park was owned by the local community.

The project has been implemented and a major amenity improvement has been achieved.