Christchurch City goes green


Since 1998, the Christchurch practice has been to apply red coloured surfacing in selected sections of cycle facilities to heighten the awareness of motorists and cyclists regarding the presence of these facilities, particularly at conflict points. However, apart from Waimakariri District, the rest of New Zealand uses green coloured surfacing for cycle facilities, as well as for bus lanes.

The objective of this project was to suggest whether Christchurch City Council (CCC) should continue its use of red coloured surfacing or change to green coloured surfacing. We have examined a variety of factors, including international research, purpose of coloured surfacing, relationships with other special vehicle facilities, national consistency, connotations of different colours and logistics of change.

On the basis of national consistency and the superiority of green over red in terms of longevity, we recommended that Christchurch City Council adopt green as the new colour for cycle facilities. We suggested that this change can be implemented over a period of time.

CCC adopted the recommendation at its 11 February 2010 meeting.

Recommend surface colour
Christchurch City Council
Research report
Project Status
Megan Gregory (née Fowler)
Principal Transportation Engineer