Auckland contra-flow cycleway options

Whiteboard options for contra-flow cycleways
  Whiteboard options for contra-flow cycling

Auckland Transport commissioned ViaStrada to develop and assess some options for providing contraflow cycling on three suburban one-way streets in Auckland.

Contra-flow cycleways allow people to cycle on one-way streets in the opposing direction. They can be achieved by means of physical separation or signs and markings alone. The treatments help to provide improved network permeability and connectivity for cycling (relative to motor vehicles), either on existing one-way streets or those planned to be made one-way.

While they are common overseas (particularly in Europe), contra-flow cycleways are still rather unknown in New Zealand. In the absence of current design guidance or practical examples for New Zealand, a “first principles” approach was taken to consider all possible ways to provide for contra-flow cycling on the streets in question. A whiteboard approach was used to brainstorm all possible combinations.

Options included variations on the use of roadway, pathway, separators, signs, markings and end treatments, as well as considering the presence or otherwise of car parking and street vegetation. The investigations also took into consideration appropriate traffic volumes, traffic speeds and road widths.

Based on the draft options report provided to the Client, ViaStrada then developed scheme design plans for the selected options.

ViaStrada also presented a paper on this work at the 2017 IPENZ Transportation Conference.

Scheme plan for Selbourne St

Develop and investigate some options for providing contra-flow cycling on three suburban one-way streets
Auckland Transport
various locations around Auckland
Conceptual design report
Project Status
Glen Koorey
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner