Christchurch high risk corridor intersection prioritisation


Christchurch City Council engaged ViaStrada to investigate primary safe system treatments for intersections along multiple arterial corridors throughout Christchurch including the four main avenues surrounding the city centre. MegaMaps, CAS and other GIS databases were used to create a multi-criteria analysis for determining the best locations for primary safe system treatments and other locations that would benefit from supporting safe system treatments. 

These road corridors are complex with varying types of transport and land uses. Multiple sets of databases were used to build the complete the (multi-criteria analysis (MCA), which includes the following and many other various sets of data:
•    Traffic volumes (including motor vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians and public transport)
•    Crash data
•    Land use
This work enabled prioritisation of funding, ensuring the highest risk intersections along a corridor were treated. 

Identity intersections where primary safe system interventions would be most beneficial along multiple arterial corridors throughout Christchurch.
Christchurch City Council
Report and spreadsheet
Feb 2023 - Jun 2023
Project Status
Glen Koorey
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner