Wellington - City Streets audits


Let's Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) engaged ViaStrada to undertake several safe system audits of proposed corridor and intersection upgrades around Wellington City, with a particular focus on safer multi-modal journeys. As part of realising the vision of a great city accessible to all, with attractive places, shared streets, and efficient local and regional journeys, LGWM created an Indicative Business Case (IBC) that recommends investment in a package of active mode, public transport (PT), amenity and safety projects.

"People-friendly City Streets" is the project that is to deliver the active modes and PT outcomes. It aimed to prioritise active modes and PT use and increase active transport facilities by reducing speed limits, adding separated facilities, adding crossing points, and providing bus prioritisation.

A series of separate road corridor improvements and site-specific targeted improvements were designed by two engineering consortia. ViaStrada was then engaged to review these draft designs and to provide safety audit feedback and recommendations. The focus of these audits was on Safe System (SS) measures; therefore, we identified both primary and supporting SS treatments that can be introduced to the proposed designs. Despite the often-tight timelines, ViaStrada was able to deliver these audits very quickly for the Client. 

Identify safety issues in preliminary designs
Let's Get Wellington Moving
Safe system assessment reports
Feb 2023 - Dec 2023
Project Status
Warren Lloyd
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer