Tikipunga active travel routes - Single stage business case


The Tikipunga Single Stage Business Case actions the identified fifth route in the hub and spoke main corridor model within the Whangārei Walking and Cycling Strategy (2018) . The focus of the business case is the city links programme, connecting the Tikipunga town centre to Whangārei City Centre, based primarily upon the residential growth occurring in the area. Following community input, further supporting programme options and recommendations showed a need for local links (between amenities in Tikipunga and Otangarei) and recreational links (for leisure and sports).

This project built upon the strategic context, demand model and prioritisation processes completed in the concurrent Whangārei Citywide Programme Business Case, but instead with a focus on design, economics, management and commercial cases for implementation of active travel facilities in Tikipunga, Otangarei and the routes connecting these communities’ to town.
The business case supports the Whangārei Blue Green Strategy and Reserves Management Proposal for recreational walking and cycling links along the Hatea River. It also supports the Whangārei walking and cycling strategy, a strategy that has led to the implementation of very successful active transport corridors such as the existing Kamo shared path . A key Tikipunga route builds on this progress made on the Kamo shared path, Raumanga shared path and Onerahi shared path, all completed or mostly completed routes. 

The Tikipunga SSBC aimed to identify alignment for near-term elements to best provide for Otangarei and Tikipunga communities. Route analysis and optioneering took place for the routes to (and within) Tikipunga. A multi-criteria assessment of the six key options for routes between Tikipunga and the City took place using metrics such as the number of residents, the number of jobs, proximity to schools and the quality of service of cycle infrastructure. ViaStrada ran community engagement events with stakeholders representing organisations, as well as community members. This engagement took place following the engagement undertaken for the Whangārei Citywide Programme Business Case.
ViaStrada also worked with in conjunction with subcontractors ; Abley (based locally) on many aspects of the business case, Northland Civil Contractors on design, Northland Geotechnical Specialists on feasibility of the path particularly along the river and DCM Urban with graphical elements.

ViaStrada also worked with in conjunction with; Abley (based locally) on many aspects of the business case, Northland Civil Contractors on design, Northland Geotechnical Specialists on feasibility of the path particularly along the river and DCM Urban with graphical elements.

ViaStrada produced the Tikipunga Single Stage Business Case including route recommendations for Tikipunga-City route, and concept design plans for active travel safety improvements around Otangarei and Tikipunga. Appendices of this New Zealand Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) Single Stage Business Case included: investment logic mapping, network information, evidence for the problems, details of route segments and detailed cost estimates.


Case for implementation of active travel links through, to and in Tikipunga, Whangārei
Whangārei District Council / Northland Transport Alliance
Whangārei District Council / Northland Transport Alliance
Single Stage Business Case
July 2022 - Dec 2023
Project Status
John Lieswyn
Director – Principal Transportation Planner