University guest lectures


Following his previous academic career at Canterbury University, Glen Koorey has continued to regularly guest lecture in New Zealand tertiary institutions on traffic engineering, road safety, and sustainable transport topics, at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Subjects taught include:

University of Canterbury:

  • ENCN261 Transport & Surveying
  • ENCN412 Traffic Engineering
  • ENTR602 Road Safety Improvement
  • ENTR614 Planning/Design of Sustainable Transport
  • GEOG222 Transport, Urban Development & Wellbeing

University of Auckland: 

  • CIVIL764 Highway Safety & Operations
  • CIVIL769 Highway Geometric Design
  • CIVIL773 Sustainable Transport Planning/Design

University of Otago: 

  • PUBH714 Public Policy & Health

As well as preparing and delivering lectures within these courses, Glen has also contributed exam questions for assessment.

While at Canterbury University undertaking overseas study tours, Glen also guest lectured at universities in the US, Canada, UK, and Austria.

Provide specialist expertise to undergrad and postgrad university transportation students
Various universities
Christchurch, Auckland, internationally
Guest lectures
2009 - present
Project Status
Glen Koorey
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner