Cycling Infrastructure: If you build it, will they come? (and will they be safe?)

Where presented/published

8th International Cycle Safety Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 18-20 Nov 2019

At the 8th International Cycling Safety Conference in Brisbane, Nov 2019, Glen delivered a keynote presentation looking at the relationship between cycling infrastructure, usage, and safety. In it, he introduced the recent history of cycling safety in New Zealand, and in particular the progress in Christchurch to develop a comprehensive network of high-quality cycling routes. The presentation (17MB PDF) can be found here.

PPT screenshot

Glen also convened a popular pre-conference workshop on "Low cost infrastructure treatments for low cycling countries" that introduced participants to simple ways to provide for cycling, including cycle lanes, light separators, reallocating street space, trial treatments, speed management, and neighbourhood greenways. Details of the workshop programme can be found here; contact Glen for further information about any of the presentations.

Glen was also part of a panel forum at the conference exploring high-level questions about the state of cycling and cycling safety/research (esp. in Australasia) both now and in the future.

Panel session


Glen Koorey
Director – Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner