2000 Traffic Management Workshop, Dunedin
Axel Wilke and Susan Cambridge are proposing to discuss design philosophies for signalised intersections in terms of pedestrian treatments.
In order to cater for pedestrians at the intersection, at least three different design philosophies could be followed:
(1) Provide slip lanes as per the proposal shown.
(2) Provide slip lanes with pedestrian crossings.
(3) Do not provide slip lanes, but have motorists turning left at the traffic signals.
Axel and Susan are not aware of any research undertaken in New Zealand regarding the appropriate treatment of signalised intersections in terms of pedestrians. They would appreciate feedback from other practitioners. Which philosophies do other road controlling authorities follow? Has research regarding crash rates been undertaken? Does everybody use the pedestrian warrant procedure for determining the appropriate treatment?
The remit and the presentation are available on this website.