Separated Bicycle Facilities: legal issues

Where presented/published

2014 Signals NZ User Group (SNUG) Workshop, Christchurch

More and more Separated Bicycle Facilities (SBFs) are proposed in New Zealand, but their integration into signalised intersections is not well supported by the existing legislation. From work undertaken by ViaStrada for various clients (NZTA offices in Auckland and Dunedin, and Christchurch City Council), it is clear that multiple changes to the Road User Rule (RUR) and Traffic Control Devices (TCD) Rules are required to address the issues. Axel Wilke gave a presentation to the 2014 Signals New Zealand User Group (SNUG) workshop in Christchurch. The presentation can be downloaded from our website.

The SNUG committee awarded the "best technical presentation" prize to this contribution.

Axel Downard-Wilke
Principal Transportation Engineer & Transportation Planner